Zucchini chips!
It is truly amazing how many cukes you have to use to fill a small jar of these.
So - here is how.
Wash and slice summer squash as thinly as you can. I did about a 1/4" thick. A mandolin could come in handy for this, if you fancy those.
Then arrange on your dehydrator sheet - or a parchment paper line pan if you dry them in the oven.
Sprinkle with a little salt. Set the dehydrator for 120º or the lowest temp for your oven. These dry fairly quickly, depending on how thin they are sliced and the air flow. You may need to flip them if drying in the oven. Then wait 6-8 hours or overnight. These don't really become "overdone" unless the oven is too hot.
Once dry and crispy, carefully remove from sheet and store. They are very brittle - and very addictive!
And for reference, this is a pint size jar. It contains 3 large summer squashes. They really shrink a lot!