
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sloppy Joe "rice" bowl

There are certain flavors that evoke memories and make you happy. Like sloppy Joes. The warm red sauce and meat oozing out of the bun onto your hands, plate, and lap. Woops. I hope you have a napkin. Somewhere along the way I heard of eating sloppy Joe’s with rice. It makes it less messy (and therefore, less fun) but the flavor is nonetheless satisfying.

Sloppy joes

  • 1/2 lb ground beef (preferably grass fed)
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 1 large tomato, finely chopped
  • leftover steamed, grated cauliflower (half)
  • Organic, non-irradiated BBQ seasoning
  • honey
  • red wine vinegar
  • worcestershire
  • a few cloves garlic, (optional)

Sauté onions in a little fat, along with chopped garlic if you desire it. Add ground beef and cook, stirring frequently until about half-way done. Add tomatoes and put the lid on so it can simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Tomatoes should be quite mushy. Add about a Tbsp or so of honey, a couple tsp BBQ seasoning, a swish of red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar, and a couple swishes of worcestershire. Stir, simmer a couple minutes, and taste for flavor. I used to like it really sweet, but now I like it really tangy. This is quite flexible. Simmer another few minutes or so, while you reheat your cauliflower rice (or steam it if you didn’t have any leftover. You can throw it in the pan along with the sloppy joes, or have it separately for layering.

Note - if you want to thicken the sauce a bit more, you can add a little yogurt to the excess liquid. Stir vigorously while on medium heat.

Shared on Wheatless Wednesday.

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