
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Minestrone Plus

This is yummy no matter what time of year. Minestrone is usually an italian vegetable soup, but we like the additional protein. For GAPS, I skip the potatoes and pasta that it usually involves, and sometimes add pre-cooked butternut squash.

3 cups beef stock
4 large tomatoes
3 onions
1 bulb garlic
4 ribs celery
1/4 to 1/3 lb ground beef or shredded roast beef, cooked
enough additional filtered water to cover
salt, seasonings

Also would be good:
1 large zuc
2-3 carrots

Pull out your dutch oven or stock pot. Chop onions and celery, and add to pot along with beef stock and begin to simmer. While that is heating, chop tomatoes into smallish pieces and add to pot as you chop them. Carrots would be good to add at this point too. Add enough water to cover and turn your fire to high. Once it all reaches a simmer, add your chopped garlic and quick cooking vegetables, reduce heat to medium, and simmer for a couple minutes. Add beef, seasonings (Basil, thyme, oregano, marjoram, salt, pepper, etc. sorry, I didn’t measure these, I just add, taste, add some more.)

Great with freshly grated parmesan, a dollup of crème frache, and a good place to hide your essential fatty acids and cod liver oil.

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