
Monday, March 11, 2013

Eating the Easter Bunny - Baked Meringue, also known as Pavlova

Doesn't everyone eat the Easter bunny on Easter?

This was my DD's special treat last year called Pavlova. It is basically just meringue, though standard recipes have cream of tarter.

Egg whites (without a speck of yolk!) I usually wait until I have about 2 cups worth.
sweetness - such as a pinch of stevia, or honey.
salt and vanilla if desired.

Just beat egg whites until soft peaks form, and then pour on parchment paper and bake at 250 for an hour, and cool completely in the oven for a few hours or overnight. Yum!  Don't crack the oven after you turn it off, as it needs to continue cooking some.

If you keep it in a sealed container, it will become more soft and sticky, but if it has air, it will be very dry and crispy and make an wonderful mess when you crunch a bite of it.

I'm not sure how long it keeps, though I've had it on the counter for as long as a week, but usually we inhale it still warm. You can make it really fancy by topping with whip cream and berries, or chocolate pudding and bananas.... the list goes on. What doesn't go well with sweet crispy air?

For more treat ideas that don't involve mountains of sugar, check out this link: Easter without the Junk!

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