
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Liverwurst Update!

I like my original liverwurst recipe a lot, but wanted to make some that was more sausage-y and less liver-y. When the opportunity arose to get real pastured pork for cheap, I was thrilled and tried this out.

Liver flavor is still there, but it is very subtle, and when tossed in other items (such as sasuage on pizza or in stew) it is not really noticeable at all!

4 lbs gr. pastured pork
2 lbs liver (maybe less)
1 onion, chopped finely and cooked.

6 tsp salt
4 tsp garlic powder - or 2 tsp finely chopped raw
4 tsp cumin
2 tsp cayenne (less for less spicey)
2 tsp ginger
other sausage spices, as desired. I threw in a tiny bit of sage. & pepper

put liver, onion, and spices in food processor. Add a little bit of pork to processor, then put everything in large bowl and mix thoroughly, shape into patties and fry in ungreased skillet.  - this recipe is very easily halved, I just made a huge batch.

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