
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Other yummy recipes and brilliant ideas...

-Pecan-glazed butternut squash pudding   (this takes a little bit of time, but it so worth it!)

-Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce  I modified this recipe a lot and it still turned out wonderful. I didn't bother with sticks and just pan fried the chicken and piled it on top of some cauli-rice.

- BLT spagetti

- Egg White Cake (Pavlova)  I make this cake a lot. Sometimes with as many as 8 or 12 egg whites! You really can use very little sweetening with it (I've used just a TBSP honey for 8 egg whites before) and it goes wonderfully with the GAPS Russian Custard.

- Think the absence of starches means no more gravy? Think again!

 - If you find truly uncured bacon (or want to make other types of bacon): How to cure your own bacon at home.


Not  recipes: 

- useful info about Honey!

 - Recognizing the true cost of different cuts of meat. (I don't recommend using TVP or soy ever, of course, and certainly you want to be eating the fat, but this is nonetheless helpful info. Don't forget the huge savings by making your own stock from leftover bones!)

- Also coming soon - a GAPS cookbook! 

I'll be adding more to this page as time goes on :D -


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