
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fluffy Wheat-less Pancakes

Pancakes are one of our favorites. Prior to going grain free, I made some sour-dough pancakes almost every Sunday. And when we are done with GAPS, I know we'll be going back to that. In the meantime, these are pretty deceptive. They look like wheat pancakes. They taste kinda like wheat pancakes, but you know by the slightly nutty flavor and crumbliness that that they aren't. Definitely a little lighter in texture, but very good. And filling! Topped with real butter and syrup, they were wonderful.

This recipe is a gift from Grain Free Foodie. I highly recommend the lemon honey syrup she mentions as well. I made a few modifications, so I list her recipe with my changes here:

1 C pureed, cooked squash
1/2 C peanut butter
1/2 C almond flour                
5 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
pinch stevia

Separate the eggs, and beat the whites until fluffy (soft peaks are fine). In a large bowl, mix together the 5 egg yolks, the squash, the nut butter, and the salt and sweetening. Blend thoroughly. Fold the egg whites into this mixture gently, so that the resulting batter is airy and light.

Cook on a well-greased griddle on a somewhat low heat, (medium to low) as they do burn easily. Flip them gently as they do not stay together as well as regular pancakes.

Spread them on the pan with a spatula.

When edges look slightly dry (it is hard to tell!) flip gently. I flipped with a little too much force here.

Thanks Grain Free Foodie!


  1. This looks interesting. I may have to give this a go. I wonder if you could make it into pancakes on a baking sheet and pop it in the oven, flip half way through? It would be easier than babysitting the skillet.

  2. Hm.. I've never made pancakes in the oven - and I forget how many pancakes came out of this batch - more than would fit on two pans! If you have a big griddle it is nice to make six cakes at a time - they only take a couple minutes per side.

  3. Jen, we go grain free in our home over the weekend just to give our guts a break. MUST try these with the kids. Thank you for such a creative idea!

    Would love it if you would consider sharing this blog or another post at Monday Mania. Hope to see you there!


Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Ephesians 4:29