
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week Six

Wow... is it really week six?

It is the little successes that encourage me to keep going even when I’m tired of struggle. Not that this is a huge struggle anymore. Aside from the desire for bread and mozzarella cheese, I really don’t miss other foods too much. It is the convenience I miss. However, my husband told me some great news: an infected toenail that he had decided to start treating again with an anti-fungal medication is finally healing! He had tried to treat it with the same product several years ago, and gave up after several months of little success. Additionally, the product he is using is expired as of last year, which makes it’s potency questionable, and even more proof that the diet is making the difference. Other oddities and skin ailments that he has had are starting to show significant signs of healing as well. Woo hoo!

So with that happy news, we push on despite the lack of our beloved starches. We’re taking breaks here and there (though not recommended by GAPS :-/ ) and we’re working toward our goal.

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