
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sweet & Sour Lentils

I tried out this recipe from Keeper of the Home. It is seriously yummy, it just doesn't score high on the presentation factor. To make it more exciting, I topped it with fresh chopped pineapple and crispy cashew pieces. I think next time I make it I will also add a tiny bit of pork and other veggies such as green pepper, carrots (for hubby), leeks, water chestnuts, and other stir-fry type veggies.

If you like sweet and sour, try it out. The taste more than makes up for it's odd appearance.

Sweet and Sour Lentils
by Keeper of the Home with my modifications in italics.

(I double this recipe for our family of 4, and it gives me enough leftovers to serve it to the kids and I for lunch)

2 1/4 cups water or bone broth
 or mixture of both
1 cup lentils (green or brown, not orange)

1/2 medium onion, diced (I used a whole one)
3 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 Tbsp honey
               (I used half as much honey)
1 Tbsp olive oil

1 tsp. sea salt

1 tsp. basil

Soak the lentils with a tbs whey, overnight or start them early in the morning (using the 2 1/4 cups liquid).
Without draining, bring the lentils to a boil, then turn low and simmer for 1/2 an hour. Add the onions and cook for another 15 minutes.         ---- I did half hour total, they were plenty tender, they soaked a full 24 hrs.
If there's still quite a bit of liquid remaining, remove the lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes more.
When tender, add oil, vinegar, honey and seasonings. Cook again for 5-8 minutes, mixing well. (I skipped additional heating to preserve enzymes in the vinegar. Turned out just fine.)

topped with a little bit thinly sliced fresh pineapple, and crispy cashews.

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