
Friday, July 2, 2010

Shrimp Fried Cauli-rice

I know, I know. Cauliflower? Again? Really? We got an abundance this week, so that is what went on the menu. Honestly, I didn't really notice eating cauliflower almost every night. Each time it was a completely different dish. The secret is the seasoning and the egg. Your mouth will believe you are really eating fried rice. And you don't need to tell it otherwise.

1 lb shrimp, peeled

1 head cauliflower

2 beaten eggs

4 ribs organic celery
1 large onion
4 green onions
3-5 cloves garlic
juice of 1 lemon


bacon fat or butter

sliced carrots (opt.)
snow peas (opt.)
water chestnuts (opt.)
pineapple (opt.)
green pepper, chopped (opt.)

If you are doing proper stir-fry and have a wok or a really big skillet, then grate your cauliflower (or process it into tiny bits) and set aside till the end. If you don't have such large cooking tools, then just put your crumbled cauliflower into a stainless steel pot with a little olive oil or butter and cook on a medium to low heat for 8-10 minutes, stirring often till it all turns clear.

Prepare all of your vegetables, and have your shrimp ready. Sauté veggies in skillet or wok, moving them quickly over high heat. Add the longer cooking ones first - onion, garlic, carrots, celery, and when half done add the ones that cook more quickly - peppers, peas, green onion. Salt lightly. Once vegetables have changed in color remove from pan and set aside. Turn heat to medium, add more fat if needed, and add shrimp. Season to taste. Once cooked, add lemon juice and vegetables and stir to incorporate, then set all aside so you can cook cauliflower. On medium heat, fry cauliflower until just starting to turn clear or change color. Add beaten egg and stir quickly to incorporate - but not so quickly that there are no chunks of egg. Season with lots of paprika, salt, and pepper.

Pile your cauli-rice on the plate and top with shrimp & vegetable mixture and dig in. Mmm!

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Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Ephesians 4:29