
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cilantro Lime Navy Beans

I finally got my order of navy beans in. They are so much cheaper when you order 5 lbs at once! I love throwing beans in soup to help spread the meat farther, but with the heat we didn't feel like soup. This had a slightly mexican flavor and was super yummy.

Basic recipe:
  • 1 cup beans, soaked for 24 hours with a little whey, simmered for 6 hours
  • juice of 2 limes
  • handful of cilantro, chopped
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • 2 medium onions, 1 red, 1 white
  • half bulb garlic
  • little salt to taste
  • little organic, non-irradiated taco seasoning
Other add-ins:
  • several handfuls of green beans
  • 2 chopped bell peppers
  • jalepeño
  • cooked chicken from making stock

Soak beans the day before in about 3 cups water and a couple tablespoons whey, vinegar, or salt. This helps tremendously with digestibility. Simmer in the chicken stock for 6 hours, You should use up most of the liquid this way, if there seems to be too much you can just take the lid off, or if you are running out too early, just add some filtered water. When nearly done, chop onions and garlic, and sauté for about 5 minutes in bacon fat, lard or ghee. Add other vegetables and cook for another few minutes till onions are clear and other greens have just changed color. Add bean mixture, along with lime juice, cilantro, salt, and seasonings.

Top with fresh avocado and dig in.

This post is a part of Real Food Wednesday hosted by Kelly the Kitchen Kop.

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