
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week Four

It has occurred to me, that in this short time of eating this way (and having some honey sweetened treats in there) I have improved quite a bit. I’m not getting sunshine migraines. My chemical sensitivity is much improved. My skin is getting better again (though I expect that to go up and down with die-off), hair loss is almost none, no nausea issues aside from avocado, and best of all, my mental clarity is much improved. I also don’t feel horrendously awful if a meal is delayed. I felt weak the other evening and couldn’t figure out why - I realized after a while I just needed to eat more! I’m really excited about this progress, especially considering the fact that I haven't really dove in to full GAPS protocol - I’m only taking regular cod liver oil starting this week, I’m not consistent about having stock every day, I haven’t started much of probiotics or probiotic foods, etc. I am simply following the diet. Sunday was a hard day with all the treats (and all my favorite kinds!) and having to look at them and not eat any. But it was a good sacrifice. This is for me and my children after all. And then I made some cashew cookies today. Mmm....

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