
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Salmon "Cous Cous" Salad

Very refreshing on a hot day, and quite yummy. I was happily surprised at how well the flavors blended.

cauliflower - grated, steam a few minutes (set about half aside for other recipes)
3 salmon pieces, cooked, torn into shreds with fork
little olive oil
1 tomato - chopped
lemon juice (1-2 lemons)
parsley - good handful
salt to taste

Mix all ingredients and allow to sit for a little while so flavors can blend. Eat cold.
(idea from

This is also a great dish to throw in extra grated/finely chopped zucchini leftover from making bread, or a place to hide sauerkraut without anyone fussing too much. Yay!

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