
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ranch Dressing

Remember how terrible it is that people would pile on dressing on their salad and turn something otherwise healthy into a calorie laden bowl of fat? I used to eat my salads plain.... but then I learned that fat it good for you!

However, I don't care for the toxic soybean oil and preservatives (which GAPS has you avoid) so I learned to make my own dressing!

First, you'll need to make mayo. I assure you, it's not hard. Just pour the oil, really, really, slowly.

Then, here's the ingredients for good ol' ranch dressing:

1 cup mayo (homemade)
1/2 cup yogurt (plain)
  (or you can use sour cream for non-GAPS)
1/2 tsp (or more) garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried onion (powder or bits)

1/2 tsp dried parsley

1/8 tsp salt

few sprinkles pepper

Mix up, dump on greenery! Fits very well in peanut butter container. You can add plenty of other seasonings if you like, this is just the basic recipe. Let sit for a little while so flavors meld.

For a buttermilk version, just add 1/4 - 1/2 c buttermilk, depending on your preferred creaminess,(and you may want to increase seasonings.) Buttermilk is not GAPS legal, though I'm allowing raw milk, and therefore raw buttermilk, but I didn't have any, so I didn't use it. 

Much thanks to the author of the original recipe.

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