
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Meal plan for this first week:

Breakfast: egg drop soup with onion and chix broth, possibly some reheated butternut squash with butter or bacon fat

  • Chicken salad with parmesan and almonds - could have made GAPS legal ranch drsg, but didn’t have ingredients
  • Celery and PB
  • Chicken avacado salad (Tomato, cilantro, cheddar.) ( See picture above.)


Day 1
     Lemon yellow squash (3 sliced, steamed, drowned in the juice of 1 lemon.)
    shrimp with red onion and toasted garlic

Day 2
    Steak, multi-green salad with raw parmesan cheese, and slivered almonds
    snack - whip cream with honey (cream not legal but I’m including it in limited amounts since raw)

Day 3
    Cheese soufflé with spinach and onion

Day 4
    Roasted vegetables and fish

Day 5

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