
Friday, January 30, 2015

Super-rich Chocolate Mousse

This is not for the faint of rich desserts. In fact, you probably don't want to make this unless your body is ready for intense fat in every single bite. Mmm... I make this when I'm hungry all the time and can't seem to eat enough. I like it a little better than the "fat-bomb" recipes I've seen floating around. And this is fancy schmancy enough to share with guests. In small dishes. With fruit. And whip cream to make it lighter. It is intense.

Are you ready for this kind of mouth-watering goodness? Here's you go....

2 oz choc (unsweetened)
(can increase to 4 oz choc, and increase butter slightly and double sweeteners)
1 stick butter (1/4 lb)
4 eggs separated (from a trusted source, as these stay raw!)
1 T vanilla
1/16th tsp stevia powder - or just more honey
1/4 c honey (4 T)
2 pinches salt, maybe a bit more if you like salty chocolate
1 TBSP gelatin

Melt chocolate over double boiler. (If you don't have a double boiler, just check this post.)
Add softened butter, or melt slightly with chocolate. Gently combine. Be careful of anything cold hitting hot melted chocolate.
Add salt. Add sweetening (being careful to not add cold liquids to hot chocolate).
 Taste and see if sweetened to your liking. You probably will want to double or triple the sweetening I suggested.
Remove from heat and allow to cool some.
Beat egg whites in a separate bowl until soft, but not quite firm peaks form.
When chocolate cool enough to touch with your finger, add yolks and gently fold in. Add vanilla.
 Sprinkle gelatin into mixture mixing well so no clumps form. If chocolate has cooled too much, gelatin won't mix well, jut return to warmth for a minute or two.
Dump egg whites into chocolate mixture and fold gently until mostly incorporated. Transfer to fridge, checking occasionally to fold together more.

Can transfer to individual dishes while still soft, or simply cool in bowl till firm. 

Garnish with berries, cocoa nibs or whip cream if desired. Pretend you are french while eating and love fat.